Sunday, May 18, 2008

Creative commons

What is it?
Creative Commons Home will help you find photos, music, text, books, educational material, and more that is free to share or build upon utilizing Creative Commons enabled search services at Google, Yahoo!, and Flickr. You can also access this tool via the Firefox web browser. Find out more about Firefox and CC Search.

Great site to explore.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Anne Maree and Jenny Assignment Two

After seeing many of your proposals on your blogs and uni blog. Here's a link to Anne Maree's and Jenny's Assigmnent Two.

Living and Learning in an Online World

Assignment involves cross collaboration between two Primary Schools.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Bitstrips Fun

Wow. The children loved this yestereday was able to trial will a few students finally!!! Logged in as me. Thinking about allowing the students to login or creating a generic password for the school. However as one student pointed out. "That's not fair, because then we would have to go through everyone's comics"

Other teachers in my level could see the benefits. It's fun

Friday, April 25, 2008

Learning Objects

These thoughts are referring to Learning fedeartion objects (Australain and New Zealand intiative)
Learning objects can tend to be used without planning and thought in classrooms. Children access and play!!! Things to consider.

A checklist we use when using Learning Federtion objects.

•What is the purpose of the learning object?
•What is the format of the learning activity?
•What skills are required of students?
•What skills are the students developing?
•How does the digital medium (eg: visual, animation, audio) assist the presentation?
•How is feedback given?
•What VELS interdisciplinary dimensions might it support?
•Ideas for the classroom - How would I use this object?

When planning consider

•Why this object? How can using it enhance student learning?
•Where might it fit in the learning sequence?
•What skills will students require?
•What skills will they learn?
•What do I want students to do/learn while using this object?
•What scaffolding is required?

Have more thoughts on my edublog which am trying out.

Saturday, April 19, 2008


One of the main benefits of podcasting is not only catering for different children, different learnnig styles, ict skills, engaging children in a fun and purposeful way, literacy skills etc ...........but also being able to link home and school.

Children uploading podcasts to a space (maybe schools lms, intranet) and then being able to download their podcasts for friends and family to hear creates a sense of achievement and postive affirmation for the children. Sharing their learnings at school at home and possibly to the wider communityhas many benefits.

A fun website to link to cool podcasts. A bit different.
cool podcasts

Thursday, April 17, 2008 jenny

Can definitely see the usefulness of The ability to share websites forteachers is fantastic.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Linking to my comments others students' blogs

Have learnt heaps and heaps of things from other students FLE blogs. Thanks to all for sharing

Monday, April 14, 2008

Wikis with children

my basic basic.....playing with wiki using wikispaces need to invite others in!!

Ideas for classroom use across schools.

Like the getting people to particpate section

Other wiki tools

RSS Feeders

Have created a couple only of feed links on the side of my blog.
Does anyone know any good and useful rss feeds for Primary School children to use? Not including news updates etc???

Trialling another blog site

Notice many are using edublogs. Thought would give it a go to see ease of creating and maintaining a blog for Primary School children.

Voki A Fun educational Tool

Get a Voki now!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Flexible Learning environments

Web 2.0

The picture diagrams are quite good in this slideshare. Gives an overview of potential and tools of web 2.0.

The aspect of teacher and different learners all interconnected in the last diagram is clever and is one of the powerful aspects of using social software and web 2.0 tools.

Would like to use this model not only in my classroom but also across schools. A challenge maybe in the Primary School environment. Have used email in the past however email is only one way communication. Like to use the web for real and purposeful conversational interaction between individuals or groups using a variety of tools encouraging communication and collaboration.

Web 2.0 slideshare

Social Software

Below is a slideshare on Social Software. The slide show was obviously part of a presentation.

Some points of interest "Everyone on the web has Schizophrenia"

What is the author referring to???? Can sort of understand his big statement though (inferring a touch of negativity and implications of web 2.0) You can be anything you want to be I guess. Need to be socially responsible when online etc etc ...... and continue to encourage postive use with the children we teach.

End of the slideshare links to other relevant slideshare shows

Social software and Education

Video from Curriculum 2.0 new literacy