Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Linking to my comments others students' blogs

Have learnt heaps and heaps of things from other students FLE blogs. Thanks to all for sharing

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Web 2.0

The picture diagrams are quite good in this slideshare. Gives an overview of potential and tools of web 2.0.

The aspect of teacher and different learners all interconnected in the last diagram is clever and is one of the powerful aspects of using social software and web 2.0 tools.

Would like to use this model not only in my classroom but also across schools. A challenge maybe in the Primary School environment. Have used email in the past however email is only one way communication. Like to use the web for real and purposeful conversational interaction between individuals or groups using a variety of tools encouraging communication and collaboration.

Web 2.0 slideshare

Social Software

Below is a slideshare on Social Software. The slide show was obviously part of a presentation.

Some points of interest "Everyone on the web has Schizophrenia"

What is the author referring to???? Can sort of understand his big statement though (inferring a touch of negativity and implications of web 2.0) You can be anything you want to be I guess. Need to be socially responsible when online etc etc ...... and continue to encourage postive use with the children we teach.

End of the slideshare links to other relevant slideshare shows

Social software and Education

Video from Curriculum 2.0 new literacy